“Imagine a Life that promotes inner and outer health and harmony, that offers you to overcome your limitations, and to become free of identification with body, mind and past conditioning.

That’s the moment you realize that your true nature is a consciousness beyond body and mind. And healing has to happen from there.

What could happen when you stop treating the symptoms?

And instead you change the way you operate on a deeper level?

What will happen…

When you change the memories of the cells? 

When you free yourself of deep rooted beliefs ?

When you act beyond the analytical mind and access the source of dis-ease? 

    • inner and outer harmony and health
    • sleep quality improves
    • quality of thoughts: more pleasant, joyful, loving, compassionate
    • higher levels of awareness, concentration, creativity
    • your behavior will change — no auto destructive anymore but empowering and healing actions 
    • Break out of the stimulus-response system, where you are merely a prisoner of your senses 
    • your relationship and communication start to have a quality of connection and bonding  
    • you are the owner of your own life: you know what do when something goes wrong, how to respond and solve it (Auto Efficacy)
    • you experience yourself in wholeness: you are more than your body, mind and emotions 

But all in all the biggest benefit will be: You are living a life aligned with Truth. Connected with what’s within you and in purpose. And this can be just as easy as sitting in silence and breathing deeply 😉

I am here to take you on that healing journey. To support you and remind you who you truly are.

In the last years I’ve helped many people to reconnect with their healing force, gain clarity and awareness.

headshot joanna menges smiling in park

The Recipe for My Unique Design of Life Coaching is:


Get in sync with the most powerful frequency.


Find perfect balance in your organism through Yogic Science.


Get in contact with your Higher Self and become the creator of your life.

My offering is based on the profound knowledge of Yoga & Ayurveda Science and newest research of Quantum Physics:

“Yoga is the system and methodology that has been applying for thousands of years what modern science of Quantum Physics is just discovering today.”

5 Elements for Deep Change

Our work together will focus on five key areas that will help you heal and connect with your True Self.

Healing Exercise

Healing Breath

Healing Rest

Healing Diet

Healing Mind

"She helped me to reconnect to myself, to take care of myself and improve my self-confidence. It is a hard job; you really need to believe you can make changes in your life and it is not always easy to go through painful episodes or health issues but Joanna can help you out. She will sit down on the floor with you, she will listen to you and most importantly, she will trust you."
headshot of past client nadia
"She supports the yoga praxis with physical and spiritual guidance and even some reiki energy channeling, so her students can get the most out of it. I can see the positive long-term effects for my life and feel so grateful for everything I have already learned from Joanna."
headshot of past client claudia

Every day we have a new chance to choose health and wellbeing – with every act, every thought and every feeling.

Don’t waste time – take action for you today. Be the creator of your life.